DCDS Membership Dues: Frequently Asked Questions

How much are membership dues now?

Dues vary depending on member eligibility and situation. Please see next question.

Does everyone pay the same amount of dues?

No, there are membership categories that do not pay full dues. For example, new dentists pay no dues their first year out of dental school, then the dues slowly increase over the next three years, reaching 100% by year 5. Other member categories that do not pay full dues include Retired Members, Non-Practicing Dentists, Active Life Members, and Retired Life Members. In addition, dentists can apply for a dues waiver due to financial hardship.

What will Metropolitan Members pay?

Metropolitan members are individuals whose primary ADA constituent society is not the DCDS (e.g., Northern Virginia, Southern Maryland) that choose to also be members of the DCDS. In addition to their primary constituent society dues, they also pay DCDS active member dues. Metropolitan members are afforded all of the benefits of active members with the exception of voting rights as they exercise those rights within their primary ADA constituent society.

What are the membership benefits?

Link to Membership Benefits below.

Does the Society provide any resources for members with financial hardship?

Yes, members are able to apply for a temporary dues waiver if they are experiencing financial hardship.

Does the Society allow members to spread out dues payments?

Yes, members are able to set up a quarterly or monthly payment plan for their dues.

Member Benefits

  • 8 monthly CE meetings during the year, providing 16 CE hours to members at no additional charge; these meetings are held at a central hotel location, and include complimentary food and beverage, as well as nationally-known speakers and leaders in the dental field
  • Professional staff that maintains member CE records, a professional website and database; coordinates the logistics for the monthly meetings and any other continuing education events; coordinates Society business with the ADA; and provides sales and sponsorship support for Society events
  • A professional lobbyist that supports dental-friendly advocacy efforts in the District
  • Discounted registration rates for other continuing education meetings
  • Exclusive invitations to Society networking events and career workshops
  • Entry into the DCDS/ADA Find-A-Dentist web tool
  • Reduced advertising rates in the Society's newsletter and on-line classifieds
  • Access to discounted goods and services through ADA and DCDS affinity programs